Official statements concerning CARE
(in chronological order)

From the minutes of the Restricted ECFA, November 29, 2002

The chairman thanked R.Aleksan and ESGARD for the enormous amount of work they have already done as well as M.Spiro who has set the project going (Applause). RECFA fully supports the steps taken by ESGARD in building up the bids and will closely follow its work

Statement made in the Chairman's Summary of Conclusions of the December 2002 SPC meeting at CERN

The SPC strongly supported the effort to co-ordinate the accelerator R&D at the European level through the promotion of the ESGARD initiative to get support of the European Union.

From the minutes of the Restricted ECFA, March 31, 2003

RECFA was impressed by the huge amount of work done by ESGARD and congratulated them for having so successfully built the proposal on accelerator R&D to the 6th EU Framework Programme. This proposal includes 6 Joint Research Projects and 3 Networks Activities, which are all considered with high priority by RECFA

Evaluation Summary Report
Integrating Activity implemented as Integrated Infrastructure
Initiative July 31,2003 [.doc]